Feeling hot, hot, hot!

With the high temperatures being experienced currently in the UK it is quite easy to forget what country we are in. But more importantly staying hydrated. We are urging both our staff and clients to stay safe, cool and well this Summer.
Andrea Sutcliffe CBE, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, said: “While many of us are enjoying the heatwave, the risks of overheating and not getting enough to drink are much greater for older people and people in vulnerable circumstances.
“That is why it is so important that those living in care homes and other health and care settings, particularly people living with long-term illnesses and complex conditions, are appropriately monitored and supported to maintain their usual health and wellbeing.
“Most of this is common sense – thinking about the environment and having person-centred care plans will help you to identify people at greatest risk and make sure they have the support they need.
“There’s also lots of good advice available from Public Health England and NHS England in the Heatwave Plan for England including specific advice for care homes as well as hospital services. Information published by the Care and Support Alliance has a useful section on extreme weather conditions too.
“So, let’s enjoy the summer sunshine but let’s prepare and be #TempAware too.”
For more information go to:
- Public Health England (PHE) has advice on how to stay safe during a heatwave (PDF, 417kb).
- Learn how to keep cool at home with the beat the heat checklist (PDF, 193kb).
- NHS heatwave advice