Caring for carers

Sometimes being a carer can be a greatly underestimated career choice. The turn over of staff can be astonishingly high, and I sometimes genuinely believe that this is the reason why. A lot of people apply for the position as there is so much work available. But few realise how physically and mentally challenging this career is.
At Beech Tree Total Care we are taking extra special measures to educate our staff, making them aware of the true nature of the job and all it entails. But we also encourage our team to push themselves further and achieve more than they imagined. It is not uncommon for employees in the care industry to have come into the position due to the lack of academic qualifications. Which is so sad as those without put themselves down and doubt their ability. But in fact they are the most successful and loving carers in the profession.
Beech Tree has updated their website in order to support it’s staff in these areas, providing them with the opportunities they perhaps did not realise were available to them. With a unique staff area which is now live, Beech Tree staff will be able to access relevant information and support which will help refresh their knowledge on tasks they come across perhaps on an infrequent basis, the ability to express interest in NCFE courses and NVQs. The website also has an area within which carers will be praised for their hard work, showing others what is achievable.
A little appreciation and support goes a long way. After all the life of a carer is not about ticking jobs off of a list. Its about making people feel human, giving a bit of hope in a world which at times can be quite bleak, supporting people both mentally and physically with things that perhaps we take for granted.